Distanced. Episode 2 - Enrolled

Our super awesome school district announced an online-only option!!

We enrolled the boys in the districts Virtual Academy today. It's at least a semester-long commitment, which makes perfect sense. I could see that become a logistics nightmare if people were jumping in and out of the program during the year.

We are getting our school-at-home room ready. After doing online school with Batman for the past four months, I know that we can't continue with classes in their bedroom. So, we are rearranging our dining room to have a desk for the boys and a place for me to set up a workstation so I can supervise them and hopefully get some work done at the same time (I'll share more about my work expectations in a future post). Ron will hopefully be able to keep Batgirl entertained in the next room.

I remember seeing that 48% of district families who responded to a survey said they would have no issues with remote learning this year (we were one of them). I wonder if that means that 48% of the district will be enrolling in the Virtual Academy. . . that would help the social distancing in school for sure.

I know a lot of people are worried about socialization. Is it bad that I'm not?

Batman has realized that he's not going to get to see his friends this year and is a little sad. I am hopeful that he will keep writing letters to his friend down the street. And maybe when things get a little more stable, we can visit.

But Robin. . . he makes me nervous around people in regular times and I feel safer not having him around lots of people in pandemic times. He will hug and ask to kiss anyone he sees. Random person in the library, the guy who comes to the door to sell us internet services, the person painting the neighbors house.

And speaking of neighbors, the kids still get to talk to and play with (from a distance) the neighbors on both sides.

You know what bums me out about school-at-home?  Not going school supply shopping. There is nothing quite like a brand new box of Crayola crayons. I think they smell wonderful. But, with all of the random supplies we already have around the house, no need to go buy new right now.

So, that's where we are. We have about a month to get everything in order to school-at-home. 
Previous Post: Episode 1  ***  Next Post: Episode 3


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