DIstanced. Episode 11 - Vaccinated.


We did it! 

We managed to get a vaccine appointment in the first week it was available for our age group (a.k.a. everyone). Huge thanks go out to my mom, who didn't stop searching for appointments and who got me back online after I got stressed out and gave up.

Our appointments were April 1 at a local pharmacy only 30 minutes north via the highway. And it's probably good we did it that way; I've never been great in crowds. We saw a total of two other people getting their vaccines and only three staff people. Neither of us had a reaction and we were good to go when the 15 minutes were up.  

Once we got home, we signed up with the CDC to report any side-effects and then basically chilled out for the rest of the day.

As it turns out, I did get some side-effects.  I woke up at 11:30pm with the body aches that I now remember from when I've had the flu. I forgot just how bad they are. By 3:00am, I couldn't take it anymore and went for some ibuprofen and checked my temp - low fever. My temperature is normally in the 97.5 region, so 99.1 felt horrible. I went back to bed and was finally able to get back to sleep around 4:30am. Since then, it's just been mild pain at the injection site.

Another bit of awesomeness: we got the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. So, by Tax Day, we'll be protected. Until then, we're still being careful.

And the best part: I'm more relaxed than I've been in weeks, probably months. I know it's only been a week, but apparently this shot in the arm was just what my brain needed to move out of fight or flight mode. I hope it lasts. 

In other news, 

school is. . . well, terrible. On our first day back from Spring Break, Robin got shipped back to Grandma and Grandpa's Boarding School after refusing to do any work for me. And by refusing, I mean crawling under his chair and crying, running outside and shouting at me, sitting in his chair crying and finally, going to his room and hiding under his blanket. Batman is even fighting me to get his work done. He is constantly trying to negotiate every little bit of his work. 

No amount of bribery or threats work anymore. I can't wait for this to be over. I really want to go back to mom mode, where I don't have to make sure they get their minutes in the learning apps, or monitor them as they squirm through a class meeting.

Batgirl is a little light in the darkness. She helped me load the washing machine while I was trying to get the boys to do their schoolwork. And she even started it. All by herself. :)


7 more Wednesdays of school.  

(Why Wednesdays?  Because the last day of school is on a Wednesday, so I went with that.)


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